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Beasiswa Kuliah ke East Coast Amerika 2024 & Syarat Daftar

Posted on 2 Maret 2024

Beasiswa Kuliah Ke East Coast Amerika 2024 Syarat Daftar - Education Republic

Beasiswa Kuliah ke East Coast Amerika 2024 & Syarat Daftar


Welcome to the land of dreams, where the sun rises over golden coasts and the stars shine on the brightest minds. Yup, you guessed it right – we’re talking about the United States of America!

Kuliah di US itu bukan sekadar tentang menghadiri kelas dan mengejar gelar, guys. It’s an adventure of a lifetime! Bayangkan kamu berjalan mengitari kampus, melewati tempat-tempat yang pernah dilalui para legenda, di mana inovasi bertemu tradisi, dan keragaman menjadi kebiasaan.

So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready for an epic journey through the world of higher education in the US. Karena di artikel ini, minER akan memberikan Daftar Beasiswa Kuliah ke kampus di East Coast Amerika 2024 & Syarat Daftar yang harus kamu penuhi. Stay tuned!



BACA JUGA: Beasiswa Kuliah ke Amerika Serikat Untuk Mahasiswa Indonesia 2024



Adelphi University

Adelphi University - Education Republic

    • #163 National Universities
    • AACSB Accredited
    • #4 in Psychology
    • Top 25 Undergraduate Business Program in New York
    • 2 Largest Stock Exchange in the World
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 44,826/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 15,000 (4 years)


Cleveland State University

Cleveland State University - Education Republic

    • A Top 100 University
    • No. 1 in the nation for an increase in research expenditure investment
    • Top 10% Best Engineering Schools
    • Home of 8 Fortune 500 companies
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 19,322/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 5,000 (4 years)


Missouri University of Science & Technology

Missouri University Of Science Technology - Education Republic

    • #185 National Universities
    • AACSB Accredited
    • USD 52M investment fund in research
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 32,624/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 15,000 (4 years)


University of Dayton

University Of Dayton - Education Republic

    • #133 National Universities
    • #48 Best Engineering Schools
    • USD 170.5M in sponsored research
    • Top 35 Entrepreneurship Program
    • USD 63,984 engineering students’ average starting salary
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 49,300/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 30,000 (4 years)


University of Illinois at Chicago

University Of Illinois At Chicago - Education Republic

    • #82 National Universities
    • #1 Chicago’s Business Program
    • #82 in Engineering
    • #84 in Business
    • #71 in Computer Science
    • #16 in Nursing
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 30,400/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 10,000 (4 years)


University of Massachusetts Boston

University Of Massachusetts Boston - Education Republic

    • #216 National Universities
    • #9 Largest Nursing School in the country
    • #45 Best Colleges for Information Technology in America
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 36,582/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 5,000 (4 years)


Western New England University

Western New England University 1 - Education Republic

    • #236 National Universities
    • AACSB Accredited
    • 96% of undergraduates are working or pursuing postgraduate degrees within six months of graduation
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 46,760/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 8,000 (4 years)


American Collegiate

American Collegiate - Education Republic

    • ACLA/ACDC: Elite transfer program for International students
    • The First two years taught at UCLA Extension, LA or First year at American University, DC
    • Gain access to Top100 U.S Universities
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 48,000 – 60,112/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 10,000 – 15,000 (2 years)


Auburn University

Auburn University - Education Republic

    • #93 National Universities
    • #62 in Business
    • #29 in Business Analytics
    • #15 in Supply Chain
    • #56 in Engineering
    • #82 in Computer Science
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 32,908/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 10,000 (1 year)


Florida International University

Florida International University - Education Republic

    • #124 National Universities
    • #2 in International Business
    • #7 in Marketing
    • #Top 50 Global in Hospitality Management
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 21,012/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 5,000 (1 year)


Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University - Education Republic

    • #185 National Universities
    • #84 in Business
    • #105 in Engineering
    • #4 in Petroleum engineering in USA
    • #1 in Landscape Architecture (2019)
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 25,584/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 10,000 (1 year)


University of South Carolina

University Of South Carolina - Education Republic

    • #124 National Universities
    • #1 in International Business
    • #31 in Nursing
    • #10 in Hospitality & Retail
    • #17 in Supply Chain Management
    • Tuition Fee: Approx. USD 35,034/year
  • Scholarship: Up to USD 10,000 (1 year)


Syarat Daftar Beasiswa

Syarat Daftar Beasiswa 1 - Education Republic

  • Menghubungi Education Republic
  • Submit transkrip
  • Membuat personal statement atau video yang menunjukkan talenta pendaftar
  • Pendaftar harus melakukan interview 



BACA JUGA: Beasiswa Kuliah Hingga USD 30000 di Arizona State University 2024




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