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Cara Daftar & Biaya Kuliah di Ryerson University (Toronto Metropolitan University) 2023

Posted on 8 Desember 2022

Cara Daftar Biaya Kuliah Di Ryerson University Toronto Metropolitan University 2023 - Education Republic

Cara Daftar & Biaya Kuliah di Ryerson University (Toronto Metropolitan University) 2023

Toronto Metropolitan atau yang sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Ryerson University di Kanada merupakan universitas terkemuka dalam hal inovasi dan karir orientasi. Dengan panduan Academic Plan, agenda penelitian yang ambisius dari kampus ini berhasil menjadikannya sebagai universitas paling ramai pendaftar di Ontario dengan reputasinya yang telah melahirkan pebisnis sukses.

Ryerson menawarkan lebih dari 100 program S1 dan S2. Hebatnya, kampus ini memiliki sekitar 40,000 student aktif dan alumni network sekitar 120,000 yang tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia. Selain itu, Ryerson juga memiliki lebih dari 1,500 student internasional yang berasal dari hampir 150 negara.

Ryerson University berhasil mendapatkan beberapa penghargaan seperti:

  • Peringkat 801-1000 pada QS World University Rankings 2023
  • Peringkat 401-450 pada QS WUR Ranking by Subject
  • Peringkat 801 pada Academic Ranking of World Universities oleh Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Top 10 Best University di Kanada

Di Ryerson, student akan belajar di kelas berukuran kecil sehingga dapat lebih fokus dan mampu berinteraksi dengan lebih intens. 

Jika kamu tertarik, begini Cara Daftar & Biaya Kuliah di Ryerson University (Toronto Metropolitan University) untuk tahun 2023.






List of Departments

Ryerson University menawarkan ratusan program yang bisa dipilih nih sama sahabat ER, berikut:

  • Accounting & Finance (BComm)
  • Aerospace Engineering (BEng)
  • Architectural Science (BArchSc)
  • Arts and Contemporary Studies (BA (Hons)
  • Biology (BSc (Hons)
  • Biomedical Engineering (BEng)
  • Biomedical Sciences (BSc (Hons)
  • Business Management (BComm)
  • Business Technology Management (BComm)
  • Chemical Engineering Co-op (BEng)
  • Chemistry (BSc (Hons))
  • Child and Youth Care (BA)
  • Civil Engineering (BEng)
  • Computer Engineering (BEng)
  • Computer Science (BSc (Hons)
  • Creative Industries (BA)
  • Criminology (BA (Hons)
  • Criminology and History (BA)
  • Criminology and Politics and Governance (BA)
  • Criminology and Sociology (BA)
  • Disability Studies (BA)
  • Early Childhood Studies (BA)
  • Electrical Engineering (BEng)
  • English (BA (Hons)
  • English and History (BA)
  • English and Philosophy (BA)
  • English Language Pathway Programs
  • Environment and Urban Sustainability (BA (Hons)
  • Fashion (BDes)
  • Financial Mathematics (BSc (Hons)
  • Geographic Analysis (BA (Hons)
  • Graphic Communications Management (BTech)
  • Health Administration (BHA)
  • History (BA (Hons)
  • History and Criminology (BA)
  • History and English (BA)
  • History and Philosophy (BA)
  • History and Politics and Governance (BA)
  • History and Sociology (BA)
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Image Arts: Film Studies (BFA)
  • Image Arts: Photography Studies (BFA)
  • Industrial Engineering (BEng)
  • Interior Design (BID)
  • International Economics and Finance (BA)
  • Journalism (BJourn)






  • Juris Doctor (Lincoln Alexander School of Law)
  • Language and Intercultural Relations (BA (Hons))
  • Mathematics and its Applications (BSc)
  • Mechanical Engineering (BEng)
  • Medical Physics (BSc (Hons))
  • Midwifery (BHSc)
  • Nutrition and Food (BASc)
  • Occupational Health and Safety (BASc)
  • Performance: Acting (BFA)
  • Performance: Dance (BFA)
  • Performance: Production (BFA)
  • Philosophy (BA (Hons)
  • Philosophy and History (BA)
  • Philosophy and English (BA)
  • Politics and Governance (BA (Hons)
  • Politics and Governance and Criminology (BA)
  • Politics and Governance and History (BA)
  • Politics and Governance and Sociology (BA)
  • Professional Communication (BA (Hons)
  • Professional Music (BFA (Hons)
  • Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate (PHCNP)
  • Psychology (BA)
  • Public Administration and Governance (BA (Hons)
  • Public Health (BASc)
  • Retail Management (BComm (Hons)
  • RTA School of Media: Media Production (BA)
  • RTA School of Media: New Media (BFA)
  • RTA School of Media: Sport Media (BA)
  • Social Work (BSW)
  • Sociology (BA (Hons)
  • Sociology and Criminology (BA)
  • Sociology and History (BA)
  • Sociology and Politics and Governance (BA)
  • Undeclared Arts (First Year Studies Only)
  • Undeclared Engineering (First Semester Studies Only)
  • Undeclared Science (First Year Studies Only)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (BURPI)


Cara Daftar & Biaya Kuliah

Cara Daftar Biaya Kuliah 3 - Education Republic

ESL Foundation Program

Intake: Mei, September, November

Duration: 1-2 terms

Entry Requirements:

  • Year 12 graduate or equivalent
  • IELTS 5.0

Tuition Fee: Approx. CAD 16,900 – 32,900.

Setelah menyelesaikan program Foundation, student dapat melanjutkan ke program Undergraduate untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana selama 3-4 tahun.


Undergraduate Program

Intake: Januari & September

Duration: 3-4 years

Entry Requirements:

  • Year 12 graduate or equivalent
  • IELTS 5.5 (tergantung program studi)
  • Minimum grade 75%

Tuition Fee: Approx. CAD 31,749 – 38,472 per year.



  • On Campus: Approx. CAD 9,551 – 12,316 plus meal plan
  • Off Campus: Approx. CAD 12,000 – 21,600 for 12 months’ rent depending on shared or single accommodation

Transportation: Approx. CAD 123 within Toronto for a monthly public transit pass.


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