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Fasilitas Kampus University of Galway

Posted on 15 Maret 2024

Fasilitas Kampus University Of Galway - Education Republic

Fasilitas Kampus University of Galway


Selamat datang di kampus University of Galway!

Kampus yang bukan hanya menjadi tempat belajar, tapi tempat dimana kamu bisa merasakan suasana yang nyaman, asik, dan tentunya fasilitas top kelas dunia.

Mulai dari ruang kuliah yang high-tech hingga perpustakaan keren dengan sumber daya tak terbatas. Bangunan-bangunan futuristic menyambut mahasiswa, memberikan ruang bagi kolaborasi dan eksplorasi, ruang komunal yang cozy dan fasilitas olahraga yang membuat kampus ini terasa sangat homey.

Now, let’s dive in. Fasilitas Kampus University of Galway yang wajib kamu tau!



BACA JUGA: 5 Alasan Kuliah di University of Galway



Research Facilities

  • Biomaterials
  • Carron Field Research Station
  • Center for Cell Manufacturing
  • Centre for Microscopy and Imaging Shared Resource Facility
  • DNA Analysis Laboratory Equipment
  • Flow Cytometry Core Facility
  • GIS Facility
  • Histology Laboratory
  • Laser Materials Processing
  • Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Materials and Mechanical Testing Equipment
  • Materials Characterisation
  • Protein Vector Analysis Equipment
  • Rapid Compression and Shock Tube Laboratories
  • Tissue Culture Laboratories


The School of Nursing and Midwifery

The School Of Nursing And Midwifery - Education Republic

  • Clinical Skills Labs
  • Nursing and Midwifery Library
  • Lecture Theaters


Sport Facilities

  • 6 lane, 25 meter Swimming Pool, with moveable floor (International Competition standard)
  • Sauna and Steam Rooms
  • Basketball Arena and Sports Hall with bleacher seating for over 600 spectators
  • Fully Equipped Elite weight training gym with lifting platforms and cages
  • A dedicated core and rehab studio 2 Aerobics/ General Training Studios
  • Recovery Suite with Ice baths Medical Treatment Rooms
  • 100 piece Cardiovascular Gym with 35 pieces of resistance equipment
  • 8 lane synthetic international standard track, with jumping and throwing facilities
  • Over 3km of Flat water for Rowing and Kayaking
  • 5 km of Running trails and up to 8 Grass playing Pitches
  • 12 Changing rooms with warm up meeting, conference rooms Storage for boats and access to water via slipway
  • International Standard sand based artificial surface for Hockey



BACA JUGA: Syarat & Cara Daftar Kuliah Langsung ke University of Galway 2024




University of Galway bukan hanya bangunan dan fasilitas, namun juga tentang orang-orang yang membuat kampus ini jadi sangat menyenangkan. Mulai dari dosen yang passionate, hingga mahasiswa yang penuh semangat.

Jadi, yuk merapat ke University of Galway dimana belajar bukan hanya tentang kelas namun juga menemukan diri dan menjelajahi batas-batas pengetahuan.


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