Daftar Beasiswa Kuliah ke Australia 2024
Posted on 17 Mei 2024
Daftar Beasiswa Kuliah ke Australia 2024
Ngomongin Australia, pasti yang kepikiran adalah padang rumput luas, kanguru loncat, koala ngantuk, juga udara dan airnya yang bersih banget. Bener sih, tapi Australia itu jauh lebih keren daripada yang kamu bayangin!
Selain UK dan US, Australia adalah negara ketiga yang jadi favorit mahasiswa global. Banyak pelajar internasional yang memilih Australia karena beberapa alasan, seperti:
- Sistem pendidikannya yang top dunia. Kamu akan mendapat pengetahuan paling up to date dan skill yang dibutuhkan dunia kerja
- Masyarakat Australia yang santai dan ramah
- Standar hidup yang tinggi dengan tempat tinggal nyaman, aman, dan fasilitas lengkap.
Nah jika kamu ingin kuliah ke negara ini. Ini dia Daftar Beasiswa Kuliah ke negara Australia 2024!
BACA JUGA: Keunggulan Southern Cross University (SCU) di Australia
Beasiswa Kuliah Australia 2024 by Navitas
1. Curtin College – Curtin University
- Pathways: AUD 2,000 in 1st semester (Merit Based)
- Pathways: 15% in 2nd semester with minimum GPA 65%
- Progression: 12% in 2nd year min GPA 65%
2. Edith Cowan College – Edith Cowan University
- Pathways: 10% Diploma Year 2
- Pathways: AUD 1,000 Diploma Year 1
- Pathways: 15% Foundation
- Pathways: AUD 2,000 PQP
- Progression: 20% for the whole durations min GPA 75%
3. Eynesbury College – The University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, Flinders University
- Pathways: 30% Foundation & Diploma
- Progression: 5-50% for the whole durations merit based
4. SAIBT – University of South Australia
- Progression: 15% for the whole duration with GPA 5/7
5. Deakin College – Deakin University
- Pathways: 15% Foundation & Diploma
- Progression: 25-50% for the whole duration merit based & quota applied
6. La Trobe College Australia
- Pathways: 20% Diploma
- Pathways: 10% Foundation
- Progression: 15-25% for the whole durations merit based
7. Griffith College – Griffith University
- Pathways: AUD 3,000 bursary Foundation & Diploma
- Progression: AUD 3,000 for Diploma student or 25-50% merit based
8. UC College – University of Canberra
- Pathways: 10% Foundation & Diploma plus additional AUD 500
- Progression: 10-25% for the whole durations merit based
9. SIBT – Western Sydney University
- Pathways: AUD 3,000 Foundation & Diploma
- Progression: AUD 3,000 / AUD 6,000 for the whole duration
10. Taylors College – The University of Sydney
- Pathways: 20% HAPP & USFP
- Progression: 20% for the whole duration
11. Western Sydney University – International College
- Pathways: AUD 3,000 Foundation & Diploma
- Progression: AUD 3,000 / AUD 6,000 for the whole duration
12. La Trobe University Australia
- UG & PG: 15-25% for the whole duration
13. Western Sydney University – Sydney City Campus
- UG & PG: AUD 3,000 / AUD 6,000 for the whole duration
Beasiswa Kuliah Non- Australia 2024 by Navitas
14. Curtin Singapore
- Diploma UG & PG: 25-50% for the 1st 200 credit
15. Murdoch University
- Pathways: Limited 50% scholarship for Foundation & Diploma
- Progression: 15-40% for UG & PG
New Zealand
16. UC International College – University of Canterbury
- Pathways: NZD 4,000 Foundation & UTP Free Airport Pickup
- Pathways: NZD 300 Shopping voucher and merchandise
- Progression: NZD 3,500/year min GPA B- for Business School
- Progression: NZD 10,000 – NZD 15,000 one off (merit based)
17. University of Waikato College
- Pathways: AUD 2,000 + AUD 2,000 (merit based) Standard Foundation, Diploma, and Pre-Master
- Progression: Up to NZD 15,000.
BACA JUGA: Informasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa dan Beasiswa Kuliah di Griffith College Australia 2024
Gimana? Tertarik buat ngerasain pengalaman kuliah yang keren di negeri kanguru? Australia menawarkan perpaduan sempurna antara pendidikan berkualitas tinggi, alam yang menakjubkan, dan gaya hidup yang santai. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini!
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