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Australia Scholarship for 2024 Academic Year

Posted on 14 Agustus 2023

Australia Scholarship For 2024 Academic Year - Education Republic

Australia Scholarship for 2024 Academic Year

Australia telah menjadi destinasi studi favorit banyak student dari seluruh dunia. Dengan kurikulum pendidikan terdepan dan deretan universitas ternama, lulusan kampus Australia nyatanya banyak diincar oleh berbagai sektor industri.

Secara konsisten kampus-kampus di Australia selalu menduduki peringkat teratas pada QS Ranking Positions 2024, menawarkan pendidikan berstandar tinggi dan peluang penelitian pada berbagai disiplin ilmu. Ini adalah beberapa kampus Australia terbaik di dunia:

  • University of Sydney: #19
  • University of Adelaide: #89
  • Curtin University: #183
  • Deakin University: #233
  • La Trobe University: #242
  • Griffith University: #243
  • University of South Australia: #326
  • Western Sydney University: #375
  • Flinders University: #380
  • University of Canberra: #421
  • Murdoch University: #431
  • Edith Cowan University: #529

Australia sounds amazing right? Nah pada artikel ini minER akan memberikan informasi mengenai Australia Scholarship for 2024 Academic Year. Simak baik-baik ya!



BACA JUGA: Extended Post-Study Work Untuk Lulusan Internasional di Australia



Navitas Scholarship in Australia for Student International 2024

Navitas Scholarship In Australia For Student International 2024 - Education Republic

  • Curtin College – 12,5% Scholarship of Diploma Tuition fee max 200 credit points
  • Edith Cowan College – AUD 5,000 for Diploma / AUD 4,050 Foundation / AUD3,000 PQP
  • Eynesbury College – 30-50% Foundation / 30% Diploma
  • SAIBT – 15 % Scholarship Diploma & ETP *Deadline 20th September 2023
  • Deakin College – 15% scholarship Foundation & Diploma
  • LaTrobe College – 15% Scholarship Diploma / AUD 2,000 Foundation
  • Griffith College – AUD 3,500 (AUD 2,500 Bursary + AUD 1,000 Gift ) Diploma & Foundation
  • Taylors College Sydney – 20% Scholarship Foundation & HAPP
  • Western Sydney University International College – AUD 1,000 Diploma & Foundation (Nominate your student)
  • Western Sydney University (Sydney City Campus) – AUD 3,000 or 6,000 /year for the whole duration
  • LaTrobe University (Sydney City Campus) – 20 – 30% scholarship for the whole duration
  • SIBT – AUD 3,000 bursary Diploma and Foundation
  • Curtin Singapore – 25% Scholarship for first 200 credits
  • University of Canberra College – Early Bird AUD 2000 (accept before 1 September 2023 + Academic Merit (70% average) AUD 2500 for Foundation & Diploma


Progression Scholarship Available!

Progression Scholarship Available - Education Republic

  • Curtin College – 12% Scholarship max 200 credit points (min GPA 65%)
  • Edith Cowan College – 20% for the whole duration (min GPA 75%)
  • Eynesbury College – 5 – 50% progression scholarship for the whole duration
  • SAIBT – 15 % progression scholarship for the whole duration (GPA 5/7)
  • Deakin College – 25 – 50% progression scholarship for the normal duration (Merit based and interview may needed)
  • LaTrobe College – up to 30% progression scholarship for the whole duration (min GPA 55%)
  • Griffith College – 20% progression scholarship for the whole duration (GPA 5/7)
  • Taylors College Sydney – 20% Sydney International student awards progression to University of Sydney (motivation statement required)
  • Western Sydney University International College – AUD 3000 or 6000 /year for the whole duration
  • Western Sydney University (Sydney City Campus) – AUD 3000 or 6000 /year for the whole duration
  • LaTrobe University (Sydney City Campus) – 15 – 25% scholarship for the whole duration
  • SIBT – AUD 3000 or 6000 /year progression for the whole duration
  • Curtin Singapore – 25% Scholarship for first 200 credits in UG & PG
  • University of Canberra College – 10-25% progression scholarship for whole duration (merit based)



BACA JUGA: Syarat & Cara Daftar Kuliah di Griffith University 2023/2024




Dengan begitu banyak beasiswa tersedia di negara Australia, kamu memiliki kesempatan kuliah dengan biaya terjangkau dan mendapat gelar internasional.

Jadi, apa kamu tertarik untuk kuliah ke Australia? Ayo segera hubungi Education Republic sebagai perwakilan resmi kampus ternama Australia, dan 13 negara lainnya. Kamu bisa konsultasi dan dipandu dengan GRATIS!

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